Friday, January 29, 2010


We are on Day 3 of the cleanse and it is going really well! Tonight, I made "spaghetti" and it was delicious and SO easy! We could have had rice pasta, but that falls apart and gets mushy so I used spaghetti squash which is a great and healthy alternative! For the sauce, I used 1 tub of organic cherry tomatoes, 4 or 5 organic roma tomatoes, a handful of fresh organic basil, olive oil, and 12 cloves of crushed and peeled garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. Mix all of that together in a bowl and then spread on a cookie sheet and roast at 400 for 30-45 minutes, until they are carmelized. Put in a food processor and blend until it reaches the desired consistency. This makes about enough sauce for about 2 very large servings. It is so yummy!

As for Caroline and food, we are struggling! She was such a great eater until about 3 weeks ago when she decided to stop eating all the things she loved the day before. She will eat almost any fruit I put in front of her, but forget veggies, meat, etc. We think that she might be having a reaction to dairy and wheat, so we have completely taken her off of all those foods. One thing that she will always eat are the pureed fruits in soft containers that she can just suck it out like a straw. If anyone has any suggestions in regard to getting a precious but stubborn toddler to eat, please post a comment!


  1. smoothies and dips. You could make green smoothies with fruit and lots of spinach and dips like hummus or black bean puree for her protein. Bella didn't eat meat for while but I felt good with the amount of protein she was getting from my milk,cheese, yogurt, beans..etc

  2. Good ideas! She will probably eat those. Is it normal for them to go through this phase of being picky? Does it get better?

  3. yes it is normal. Somehow even the pickiest of toddlers gets nourished. We found it easier not to make her a plate of food. We'd just put more on our plates and of course "Mommy's food" was much better than if it had been her own so she'd eat a bunch. I did notice that Bella began to eat more food as I cut back on her nursing but she has always been healthy!
